Often, over the years, I have gotten the impression that people think I have this fantastic life…

I spend my days painting either in my studio or some magical place; I then send my work to a gallery where it sells, and I can make a great living.

Well, I usually paint in my studio…I sometimes travel, but I usually take photos or do preliminary sketches and save the hard part for back home. One other thing is true of all artists -whatever media we choose, we “create” because we must and we are not happy unless we are creating. Ask our partners and spouses. So we do spend some time doing what we love to do, but most of us either have someone else to help with the day-to-day expenses or we have a “day job.”


For me, I have both; I have a husband, and I teach. And for me, I get grouchy when I don’t teach—I love to teach—to inspire, to motivate, to mentor…to make a difference in someone’s effort to venture into the world of art. So I am an artist because I must…and a teacher because I must.