What do I do when my Idea Does not Work

What do I do when my Idea Does not Work

I once had an idea to try to paint layered images (related images on top of each other). And one thought I had were images of the La Connor tulip fields—a view of the fields both from a distance, with a close up of tulips over it. (Did I say I love to challenge...
My Life as an Artist

My Life as an Artist

Often, over the years, I have gotten the impression that people think I have this fantastic life…I spend my days painting either in my studio or some magical place; I then send my work to a gallery where it sells, and I can make a great living.   Well, I usually...
The Making of an Artist

The Making of an Artist

As a professional watercolor artist and teacher since 1993, I am acutely aware of how difficult (and very tricky) watercolor is to work with. There are lots of tricks to know in trying to work with watercolor…after all, it is painting with colored water. And I share...